This is the Message Centre for Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

I been busy...

Post 1

Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE)

Haven't got a lot to show for it, though...

Ah, well.

Although I did finally drop off and pick up those 3 rolls from Faith's dedication, birthday, and the camping trip, I've yet to scan them in or update the yahoo album (got lots of digital photos on the laptop to go in, too) Maybe soon, but don't hold your breath smiley - winkeye

Babysitting Genevieve's been going well, especially as I've figured out that if I want her to eat and not just drink her milk, I need to keep her cup in the fridge until she's eaten most of what I think she should. Faith's a great eater, so that's been an interesting adjustment.

Hehe, Faith's trying to drink out of an empty oatmeal canister!

THanksgiving was interesting. Thomas and Patty (Tom's parents) got here the night before, and left the following Wimpy. Mainly coped by staying in Faith's room when she was up and in mine when she was asleep. Usually can handle a 3 day visit fine without hermitage, and a 5 day with. Unfortunately, 'twas 6 days...

Won't get to visit my grandma, aunt and cousin this weekend as (almost) planned--aunt may have to have yet another back surgery, and they may have to move this week (won't find out until this week) But will be visiting some old friends that have a guest house and horses. Aiming now for Faith and I getting to fly up and visit for a whole week if Tom goes on that short-term mission to Mexico with some other folks in our church. That won't be until April, though. As the main objections in the past against Faith and I being gone that long are 1) financial (still an issue whenever/however) and 2) Tom'd miss us too much if we were gone a week at least him being gone anyway would do a bit to mitigate against 2.

Anyway, I've got to go and see what cold-treating options I have available. *mutters about how she hopes she's well before going to visit*

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