This is the Message Centre for Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly)

Sunday 16/5/99

Post 1

Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly)

 Today I thought really hard about why Mostly Harmless makes me mad, and it made my brain hurt so much I don't think I'll make it through school tomorrow (so what else is new?)

I also read all the emails I sent DNA, and realised I was entirely annoying, and he had the right to tell me so.

Douglas Adams, this is ALL YOUR FAULT.


Sunday 16/5/99

Post 2

Artretia Dent

I think it annoys me because:
(Although it's a great piece of writing), I like the coversations of Ford and Arthur.
I like a dose of Zaphod.
They all die.

Sunday 16/5/99

Post 3

Wednesday Addams (sleeping, mostly)

Yeah, it's best just to ignore it and play around at Quadbee, don't you think?

Sunday 16/5/99

Post 4

Artretia Dent

Quad B is great.
Oh, are you going to be busy while Earth is being evacuated?
(I,m talking business here, bear with me)

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