This is the Message Centre for Zarquon's Singing Fish!

Welcome to JG3. Long Live the Fighters!

Post 1

ex Brigadeer, now Tealady Werekitty aka Tobru De'ran; ex sith extraordinaire, well poked veggie fascist and Goo Goose

Alright ya varmints. Cock yer lugs up and listen to this. I'm yer superior officer in the newly rearranged Terranic Army A1982775 , what you signed up for.
I takes orders from Spook. And you takes orders from me, and my Second in Command, Ralph the Wonder Llama.
Our new regiment is named JG3 - that's Jolly Good Guys With Guns, and our logo is smiley - dontpanic that's < d o n t p a n i c > .
I hope to see you doing your bit for the army, and especially our beloved regiment - GJ3, around and about. Especially you HPB, Mr. Please Transfer Me to the other regiment.
Remember. We are the JG3, and those Gazpacho's don't know what's coming.
Any questions, queries, or desperate pleas for a transfer will be swiftly responded to if you'd just like to voice them by replying to this lovely post.

*reads Zarquon's space*
You seem to be a peaceful soul. smiley - biggrin
A bit of virtual ultra-violence probably never hurt anyone though smiley - laugh
(yay. Fellow veggie)

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