A Conversation for Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Engineering

Project: Electricity Generation

Post 1

Ema - formerly Researcher 185964

H2G2 name&no. U186520
Ema - formerly Researcher 185964

Project: Electricity Generation

This project will be about how Humans create Electricity. It will include info on:
Potential (how batteries and solar cells work)
Alternating current and generators
and how its done on a large scale; steam cycles, turbines, boilers, condensers, etc...

I've already made a start on some of the pages and I'm aiming to get most of it done before I go home for Christmas (14th Dec). If it works out I'd like to move on to different sorts of power stations next term.

Project: Electricity Generation

Post 2


Hi Ema,

Great idea for a project - we have nothing on this so far. smiley - smiley

You could, if you want, take a little longer and include the material about power stations - it's all related. Lots of people are going to be taking a bit of a break over Christmas, so don't worry too much about deadlines here. smiley - cheers

Thread Moved

Post 3

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Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'The University Admissions Office' to 'Faculty of Science, Mathematics and Engineering'.

Project: Electricity Generation - Abandoned

Post 4


Researcher: U186520 – Ema, formerly Researcher U185964

Project Page: A655265 Electricity Generation

A657353 - Condensers
A657344 - Boilers
A657326 - Alternating Current
A656084 - Generators
A655698 - Steam Cycles
A655689 - Creating a Potential
A655274 - Gas Turbines
A883190 - Fossil Fuel: Coal and Oil Power Plants

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