This is the Message Centre for MIKEIN3D

Hello everyone.

Post 1


hello all anyone out there who would like to chat?
babe if your looking about its me mark1978 new name hows things chat soon.

Hello everyone.

Post 2

Tube - the being being back for the time being

Ah. I see you managed to change your nickname! smiley - smiley
Welcome to the guide! smiley - cheers

Sorry, I was a little rude last night not taking more time talking to a newbie, but I was engaged in a ummm rather personal conversation back there.

Anyway. The best thing you can do right now is to go and edit your Personal Space so that other people can leave messages there. And one of the first persons to turn up there will be an ACE who will help you to find your way through the site.

Share and enjoy!


Hello everyone.

Post 3

Tube - the being being back for the time being

PS: And if i'm not completely mistaken you're using both U190624 and U190626. It might be sensible to concentrate on one online personality till you get the hang of the site...

Hello Tube....

Post 4


Hiya thank you 4 reading my mail.. its really good 4 someone to talk back at ya im really am new to this and ive had a nick name only useing one number that is 190624 not 26 ok as i said b4 im new so it will take me sometime to get used to this site .. and last nite dont worry about it cos i was looking about myself so i did not stay on site lone hope to here from you soon
TheRenegRade ps i would like some info how to use this site etc thanxs bfn asl plz.

anyone eles out there that would like to chat if so chat away lol:O)
names mark???

Hello Tube....

Post 5

Tube - the being being back for the time being

You might want to say Hi to Mark Moxon (U13). He's the boss around here...


busy IRL ATM


Hello Tube....

Post 6


yeah will do thanxs 4 your help b4.
ill send a new message to him bbfn

Hello Tube....

Post 7

Tube - the being being back for the time being

... just got back. Gimme 10-20 mins and I'll try to tell you something about the site...

Hello Tube....

Post 8

Tube - the being being back for the time being

How to use the site?

Again, the best thing you can do right now is add an introduction to your personal space by hitting the "My Space"/"Edit Space" button. That way people can taalk to you at home without having to track you down in a conversation like I have done. If you need some inspiration of what to put there, click on anyone's nickane to go to their respective spaces and take a look around. (see A317486)
All the coding on h2g2 is done in GuideML which is a sub-species of XML. You might want to use GuidePost ( for that.

Generally, take the h2g2 tour (A317459), it will take you through a great swath of the site. smiley - smiley And it'll tell you more than I could.

Anyway. The best place to hang out to meet new people is
Get in touch with others and engage in some conversations. If you meet someone interesting go visit their personal space by clicking on their name, leave a message there and start a more private conversation.

And if you feel up to it write a journal entry yourself. smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers

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