A Conversation for The relationship between Chocolate and Sex: Mystery Unravelled

Alternative Writing Workshop: A216992 - The relationship between Chocolate and Sex: Mystery Unravelled

Post 1

Martin Harper

Entry: The relationship between Chocolate and Sex: Mystery Unravelled - A216992
Author: Mike "Moryath" Ahlf,Researcher 85704 - U85704

I love this - it's a 'scientific' investigation, with some important observations. There's also a quick poll: "Given two choices, indulging in chocolate or indulging in sex, which would you choose?".

Is 'both' an option? smiley - tickle

A216992 - The relationship between Chocolate and Sex: Mystery Unravelled

Post 2


Wow! smiley - laugh

Is Mike about?

Market research, eh? Guaranteed to get the answer you want - Every time! smiley - ok

Large gatherings... 200 people in a cinema; 76 of them consuming chocolate and only one couple getting it on big-style in the front row! Or is that the film? I knew I should have brought my glasses!

I wonder how people would respond to the question: "If you had to renounce either chocolate or sex for the remainder of your life, which would you choose to renounce?"


A216992 - The relationship between Chocolate and Sex: Mystery Unravelled

Post 3

a girl called Ben

I'd give up smiley - choc! - Sex is not fattening (usually), it doesn't give you spots (though the ones it does give you are pretty serious, I admit), and it isn't free. Ok, I guess you pay for sex in other ways...

I humbly draw this entry to the attention of my fellow Miners, and the Popeye Chucklers. I liked it.

smiley - brr
*fatter than she'd like to be*
*but paying a fortune to be in the right place and the right time and with the right person for sex*
smiley - laugh

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Alternative Writing Workshop: A216992 - The relationship between Chocolate and Sex: Mystery Unravelled

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