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Select Menus With JavaScript

Post 21

lw - ck

Im gettign all kind of errors so would it be possible (seen as I am totally crap with JavaScript) for you to fully intergrate the script for me into the peice of code below:



<!-- put your default options in first-->
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Many thanks and smiley - sorry once again for all the trouble I've caused (and still am causing) you.


Select Menus With JavaScript

Post 22

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

Is there anychance you could work this bit out? I mean how hard is it to put together this little jigsaw, when somebody else has painted all the picies?

-- DoctorMO --

Select Menus With JavaScript

Post 23

lw - ck

Err ok I tried but every time I keep getting errors. I appreciate what you have done for me and as I have evidently annoyed you will not request anything else off you. I just stupidly thought that it would be easier for someone who can do it in two seconds to do it than for me to stuggle for ages on it. How silly and selfish of me


Select Menus With JavaScript

Post 24

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

Take my apolies, this is not an atempt to isolate you from help, but I realy do think it's better for you to find out why this javascript would work and how it fits together. I've given you the code, you've seen how prevouse examples work and JavaScript is inherently very simple, and to understand the basics does anyone good. come on show some spirit, if you need more help I'm still here.

Tip: Use Netscape 6.0 or Mozilla to debug JavaScript with the JavaScript Console (Very Usefull). IE is not and is very forgiving about wrong code.

Tip: Remember the semi colon on the end of each line,

P.S, sorry about the long wait for a reply, I needed to clear backlog.

-- DoctorMO --

Select Menus With JavaScript

Post 25

lw - ck

Iv'e got it sorted thanks: function go(){ var L1 = document.theform.list1.value; var L2 = document.theform.list2.value; if (L1!= "#" && L2!= "#") { var url = "http://www.birdwatchnorthumbria.co.uk/events/" + L1 + L2 + ".htm"; location.href(url); } }


Select Menus With JavaScript

Post 26

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

YaY, good for you. smiley - biggrin

-- DoctorMO --

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