This is the Message Centre for The District Mob (jarve 'n co)

LD super freaks!

Post 1


Hello chatters! Having a breather from 6050 city? lol. I am! And thanx to Jarve for spreading this e.mail around!!

LD super freaks!

Post 2

The District Mob (jarve 'n co)

Thanx 4 the thanx! Yeh I sent this about....
Cheers 4 saying thanx, am contactable n the -mail 2ddy and HELLO
2 all u luverly peeps!xxx

LD super freaks!

Post 3


Hello to everybody! How are you doing Jarve? Jan hello to you too xx Happy chatting peeps! BBHZ

super freaks!

Post 4


Phew... nearly a week since I got in here,
nice to find posts waiting for me!
Thanx Cherubin and Jarve! Got some catching up to do,lol.

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