This is the Message Centre for The District Mob (jarve 'n co)


Post 1


hiya hun.... im new on this and it's great... loads of interesting and rubbish stuff on so where u from then??


Post 2

The District Mob (jarve 'n co)

There is a lot on here aye, I usualy spend my time on the bluelight message board, but hats a worldwide pro-information board for drugs.
Not a pro-drugs understand, just a personal insight and nformation board, tells people hat they eed o now that he government darnt help everyone on..
well.. am from bradford, bit of a leeds lad hough, it o a rogue, thats y am not on ere 2 uch now, working 65 hours eek ow,
stark contrast-40 hours in n office
and, 25 hours n a club s bars nager.
love it....
ma lifes well packed
r u an ld'er?
i go on as algol but wont be on much longer, as of this weekend gonna like.. rushed off my feet, onna mmunicate through -mail nly
[email protected]


Post 3


yep.. fresh from l.d.. well im from leyland in lancs and usually go on ld as ONLYDREAMING... among but thats the name i use mostly.. im a homecarer and am enjoying life 2 the max.. i work hours 2 suit me which is great.. then i spend bout 16 hours a week in the pubsmiley - i just finished work at 1pm... started at 10 last nite and im smiley - zzz... went out on thursday nite 2 the karaoke and gave my uncle a piggy back.. then he lent forward and the fat smiley - bleep squashed me.. my knees r bruised to heck..smiley - injured
so.. with all this work u do.. do u have ne time at all 4 fun??

smiley - aliensmile


Post 4

The District Mob (jarve 'n co)

explain fun!
yeh! am now a bars manager at space in leeds 2! 65 hours a week! mentak eh?
no time on here nowadays, gizza e-mail sometime!
[email protected]

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