This is the Message Centre for The District Mob (jarve 'n co)

hello :)

Post 1


hiya hun just thought i'd start a new thingy off think i'll be on here more than ld now them msg were way 2 freaky smiley - sadface

hello :)

Post 2


yeah was a bit freaky likesmiley - weird anyway i think i'll do the same hun stay on here sort of getting the hang of it now smiley - ok how is the little man ??smiley - biggrin

hello :)

Post 3


i couldnt believe half of them smiley - monster i'm well smiley - bleep off i love this site tho smiley - smiley been doing loads of crazy searches smiley - orangebutterfly much more fun than freaky psycho on ld smiley - skull kie is great smiley - smiley just waiting 4 him 2 go 2 sleep smiley - star so i can have a sb smiley - smiley howz little ? lol smiley - star

hello :)

Post 4


yeah this is much bettersmiley - biggrin ,ld gonna lose a lot of users if they dont get there act together soon smiley - tongueout physco smiley - skull hasnt got the link has he ?? hope not lmho .The little are asleep .com lol smiley - zzz (thank god) was up wayyy to early smiley - sadface our micheal isnt commin down now smiley - sadface his babys mum is kickin off anyway im going for a wander smiley - footprintssmiley - footprintssmiley - footprints smiley - magic smiley - chick cos ure a foxychick lmho smiley - laugh

hello :)

Post 5

The District Mob (jarve 'n co)

Oi! get outta my chuffin message centre! smiley - biggrin-lol
Kristie av sent you them codess and ive sent u some other stuff like hyperlink codes from when i was cracking...
youlll se anyway!..
av gotta headache..hangoverlol
lou-hia! i c u r getting into this too?smiley - cool

hello :)

Post 6


awwwwwww poor honeybunch smiley - hug here have some tlc smiley - smooch lolsmiley - smiley were did u go smiley - huh

hello :)

Post 7


Kristy, yes am still in ur name gonna change now..
i went everywhere! had loadsa jd when i got back! cool..

hello :)

Post 8


honey there r no pictures on my name except wen i click on research name of ur msg above i'm totally confused smiley - huh lol soz hun i no ur busy smiley - grovel

hello :)

Post 9


hiya jarve . yeah sorta getting into it now smiley - smiley eventually got the hang of the pictures ,only took me two days lol smiley - silly

hello :)

Post 10

The District Mob (jarve 'n co)

lou-get ur but 2 the parlez with kristy!smiley - bigeyes
kristy-tut!! women! right, the password and log in name you sent me through e-mail took me to that username/number...smiley - zzz

hello :)

Post 11


jarve- lol ok then i'll come the parlez you reckon they'll let me bring the kids in with me smiley - silly??? lmho

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