A Conversation for Poker - The Card Game

here's a poker freshman

Post 1


I am new to the game of poker, and I couldn't find a decent set of rules to Draw Poker anywhere on the net. You information is much more informative than most. Thanks. Having played a couple of times I think I figured the game out by now, with just two problems remaining:
1) What do you have to do if you actually want to 'see' the other's cards, i.e. get to the 'showdown' right away? Do you just pay the money to stay in the game and hope that no one raises? Or do you have to pay extra money to 'see' as opposed to just 'call'?
2) Is there a rule that allows players to 'draw' more than once? I think I've seen movies with poker games where players say "I'll take one more card!"
Can you help me? Thanks,


here's a poker freshman

Post 2

Researcher PSG


1) As I understand it unless the variation allows you to see the cards you only get to see them when it gets to showdown (otherwise there isn't the bluff or the challenge). But I'll try and check it.

2)Don't know about that, my gut instinct is that it is misrepresentation of a misrepresentation of a poker variation. But I will try and check this also.

Sorry I can't be more help off the top of my head, but I haven't seen these in my experience.

Researcher PSG

here's a poker freshman

Post 3


thanks for the news. I hope you can find out a little more, but just to hear that there's someone who says the same as me will serve me as a good argument the next time we argue about that topic.


here's a poker freshman

Post 4

AlexK the Twelve of Motion

If you are hosting a draw poker game in your own home you can easily play 2-draw or even 3-draw. This creates more betting rounds and much much better hands. However for the most part 5 Card Draw only has 1 round of drawing.

No you cannot see anyone's cards unless all bets have been called. If you do not wish to call a bet becouse you don't think your hand is good you must fold. If you are the only person that no one has to show. However if there is someone after you who is willing to call, then you get a free peek.

I say you all should just play Texas hold 'em.

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