A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season Nineteen - "The Last Chance Saloon"

FF19 - Week Eleven

Post 21


And wrong, sadly. smiley - bigeyes

FF19 - Week Eleven

Post 22

Br. Megachedda-I've found my apostrophe key!!!

I think ive done better than if i actually had an internet connection this weekend.

FF19 - Week Eleven

Post 23


I am starting to wonder if Week Twelve is going to happen this week...

FF19 - Week Eleven

Post 24

Demon Drawer

Times goes by so slowly slowly.

*DD returns to trying to make his picks for the work betting slip*

FF19 - Week Eleven

Post 25


England 6-15 South Africa (--)
Hamburg 4-1 VfB Stuttgart (OLIC, Mattijsen, Tasci)
Excelsior Mouscron 1-1 Genk (VRANCKEN, Custovic)
FC Noordsjaelland 2-1 Randers FC (BODKER, Brandrup, Nakajima-Farran)
FK Austria Magna 2-2 Rapid Vienna (KULOVITS, Sariyar, Aigner, Bilic)

And the winner is Ormondroyd with a very clever 10 points smiley - smiley And is definitely making his move up the table.

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