A Conversation for FANTASY FOOTBALL - Season Nineteen - "The Last Chance Saloon"
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FF19 - Week Eight
GreyDesk Posted Sep 29, 2007
Man City 1-0 Newcastle (Mpenza)
Wigan 0-2 Liverpool (Kuyt)
West Ham 1-2 Arsenal (van Persie)
Derby 1-1 Bolton (Miller)
Portsmouth 2-1 Reading (Nugent)
FF19 - Week Eight
Mu Beta Posted Sep 29, 2007
If Liverpool do actually win 2-0, there'll be a lot of points about.
However, I see Lawro has also predicted that scoreline, so it's not too likely.
FF19 - Week Eight
son-of-riotact Posted Sep 30, 2007
Whoever picked Portsmouth to win 7-4 gets a bonus point.
FF19 - Week Eight
Demon Drawer Posted Oct 1, 2007
Not me re: Pompey i'm just glad to pick up 4 points from that game.
FF19 - Week Eight
GreyDesk Posted Oct 17, 2007
Now that's better. This was the joint highest scoring week of the season
The winner with an excellent 17 points was egon, who also got a nice full house to boot
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FF19 - Week Eight
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