A Conversation for The Stupidest Phrase in the English Language

Last place you look for it

Post 1


I think it is because someone, along time ago, was making an atempt to be funny,the persons freinds probably also wanted to be funny, so they used the phrase also,vrey soon, you have an epidemic on your hands and and a too much used phrase that has lost it's new charm, and is nearly immpossible to get rid of. Fun.

Last place you look for it

Post 2


I think it makes no sense unless you phrase it as "its always in the last place I would ever look for it" as in finding the keys in the litterbox, instead of just "under the cat" which would lead to me uttering "thats the LAST place I want to find the keys" and no the cat didnt eat the keys it picked them up and carried them in there....among other things...

Last place you look for it

Post 3

Boo II

I agree, but there's a worse one than that. When you're looking for something, and not finding it, someone always asks 'Where was it last time you saw it?', and of course you don't know, which is why you can't find it in the first place. That really does my cap in.

Last place you look for it

Post 4


Exactly. I mean, why ask at all? If I had a clue where the heck it was last would I even bother looking? Everything will always be in the last place you looked if you were looking for it. If you know where it is you would not be so proud to say "It was in the first place I looked, for I knew it to be there last." or somesuch nonsense. Just more useless talking than anything else. Sort of like this thread...

Last place you look for it

Post 5



The annoying phrase,
'The exception proves the rule',
Really boils my blood.

It's just so stupid,
If there is an exception,
It disproves the rule.

Don't mind my ranting,
I just needed to vent steam,
Thanks for listening.


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