This is the Message Centre for LusciousOysters

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Post 1


This is really confusing, this is a horribly designed site

Pinkysmiley - cake

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Post 2


Pinky smiley - hug

I agree but as everyone can see this I'll bite my tonguesmiley - sadface

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Post 3


Well, made it here at last, we'll have to direct Hicky and Uggi here

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Post 4


But what next? OOH I have an ideasmiley - smiley DS

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Post 5



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Post 6


Hi LO, Just thought I would put in my twopennorth, I have so much difficulty with this ite I have virtually given up. Oh well maybe we have cracked it, trouble is I end up sending myself replies instead of the person they are meant for, I guess I amk just DIM...Sheila

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Post 7


Sheila if you're dim then so am I smiley - wah It took me 2 months to find this page!!smiley - tongueout

LOsmiley - hug

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Post 8


Lets not have a contest as to which of us is the dimmest, lets just be glad we seem to have cracked it.Have all the laundry carriers arrived yet, yuk lucky you.speak later Sheila

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Post 9


They arrived dirty, smelly and all bar 2 hungover. The washing line is full of ripped jeans and frilly bras and they laughed at the thought of me in any way saintly smiley - laughsmiley - sadface

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Post 10


I am glad, don't know if I could cope with a saint,me being definitely lss than saintly...smiley - biggrin

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