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Well done
TIMELORD Started conversation Mar 1, 2002
Just thought i would drop by to say well done on this weeks quiz 9/10 is a very high score and most weeks would win but Madant just got a perfect score so you will have to settle for second place with Granny Weatherwax.
Still keep up the good work and you never know.(How are you on Buffy)
Well done
The Ghost of Polidari Posted Mar 6, 2002
Thanks for that - new I was struggling with the second sword but found two sites where they specified that the Sword in the Stone was different, but couldn't find a specific name for it.
Doesn't that mean I get 9½ points then.....
Well done
TIMELORD Posted May 2, 2002
Just droping by to say well done on the film quiz i am a little late but have not been very well this last week so have been of the computer most of the time.
Well done
The Ghost of Polidari Posted May 2, 2002
Thanks TIMELORD - much appreciated .
Take care of yourself - I recommend a hot toddy
- it's a drink...*
(*that's a lot funnier when Groucho says it...)
Well done
TIMELORD Posted May 5, 2002
I don't touch the stuff to tell the truth tea-totaler*
*Don't like tea so more like a coffee totaler.
Well done
TIMELORD Posted Jul 26, 2002
Two people with winning returns this week well done i hope you keep trying its a little tricky this week.
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Well done
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