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Pink Purdy Plumbers

Post 41

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Not here it won't...

MATILDA - - The magic monkey

Post 42

LePerdymonkee,Phobos'PremierLeatherGodess. Museof tasteful & artistic nude portraits + Patron Saintof the Selectively Ignored-©

I like chaos. Lovely entry. Hippy Bothday.

Ever hear of Matilda the magic monkey? There is a random piece of paper that states her name & nothing else mounted in a display case at school. Very random. Very. My friends & I have formulated a theory about this monkey. See, I just know Matilda is purple. But, when she's especially happy, she turns pink & shoots pop rocks out her nose & tosses handfuls of glitter into the air. This all seemed random enough & quite suitable for a magic monkey.

The End.

MATILDA - - The magic monkey

Post 43

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Thanx for the greeting.
Ididn't see you at the party. Where are you?

MATILDA - - The magic monkey

Post 44

LePerdymonkee,Phobos'PremierLeatherGodess. Museof tasteful & artistic nude portraits + Patron Saintof the Selectively Ignored-©

Who? Me? Party? What? Where?

You are shpeaking to me of un party?
I was not invited to a party?
Well... That's normal, but what?
Oh, dear... Confusion in the realm.

MATILDA - - The magic monkey

Post 45

Katsy a.k.a. Esti
Click on the forum "Let's get ready to party!" (or was it "partay"?)

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