A Conversation for Mike Keneally - Musician

New discography entries

Post 1


I don't know what the possibility of this is, but there are a couple new entries to the discography that I would like to make. Anyway, 2 releases from 2001 that I would like added are:

Alive in an Ultra World - Steve Vai
Wooden Smoke - Mike Keneally (solo)

The solo album was just officially announced this week. It is coming out in September. Wheeee!!


New discography entries

Post 2

Pan, the piper at the gates of dawn

He's also going to be contributing a CD of Zappa covers for Steve Vai's box set. Release TBD.

New discography entries

Post 3


Sure, Proglodyte, I can get right on that, but I have a question. First you said these are both releases from 2001, and then you said the solo album will come out in September, presumably of 2002?

As for the Vai boxed set, just post to this space when there's a date and a title for that, and we'll get it in too!

smiley - cheers

New discography entries

Post 4

Pan, the piper at the gates of dawn

Wooden Smoke was released via Mike's website in January 2002. The record stores were released single-disc versions in March or April.

New discography entries

Post 5


Good Lord, I just looked at the date stamp on the original posting here. smiley - online2long

New discography entries

Post 6


Right, that's sorted.

smiley - cheers all!

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