A Conversation for Superfluidity

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Post 41

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Thread Moved

Post 42

Ugi - Keeper of typos & spelling errers - MAT (see A575912)

Congrats - smiley - bubblysmiley - bubbly


Thread Moved

Post 43



Nice one MichaelHe2 smiley - smiley

Thread Moved

Post 44

Dancer (put your advert here)


smiley - hsif

A591699 - Superfluidity

Post 45


Perhaps you should simply skip the paragraph on the "Two Fluid Model" and concentrate on the weird behaviour of the liquid smiley - smiley

Hmm, what is the difference between liquid and fluid? Is everything fluid that can flow (gases and liquids)? It seems as you have a made a very good point here! (And I am doubtlessly outed as a non native speaker smiley - blushsmiley - smiley ).

A591699 - Superfluidity

Post 46


Your ref 4) went in my article on "cooling techniques" being published very soon.

Your ref 3): Heat travels in HeII by the speed of sound which is quite high (not remembering the exact value I would say 240m/s or so) compared to normal heat conduction.

Your ref 2): You are right, mentioning desities is not necessary at this point and might confuse the reader

Your ref 1): Only Bosons can make BEC, Fermions can't, but they simulate somewhat by building cooper pairs. Superfluidity is based on BEC of 10% of the atoms....


A591699 - Superfluidity

Post 47


I added a footnote on the Kelvin scale.


A591699 - HeLL or Heii ?

Post 48

Konrad (1x6^(9-8)x(8-1)=42) (OMFC) (Goo at work, alabaster at home)

Hi ppl,

I'm subediting this one, and I wonder if anyone can think of a good way to render HeII (he-ii)in a way that it doesn't look like Hell (that hot place they send nasty ppl to) which I find distracting. Its been suggested that I use He-II, is this an acceptable? What do you think?


A591699 - HeLL or Heii ?

Post 49

Dancer (put your advert here)

Well, I can think of a couple bu I don't know which is approperiate:


or, amybe leave it as HeII and just use a footnote on the first accurance that says it's not the sulpharic agonising place but a way to write He2.

smiley - hsif

A591699 - HeLL or Heii ?

Post 50


you could just write Helium-II or Helium-Two instead of abreviating

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