A Conversation for Writing Guidelines

Europe and other research

Post 1


I've tried to submit some rather factual information about a European town
called Olomouc which I enjoy living in but my
entry was rejected. I'd like you guys to read it and write me (on the
forums of the page) what you think made the editors reject it. smiley - bigeyes
I really love the idea of the Guide being a real guide (though
"it has many omissions and much that is apocryphal, or at least wildly inaccurate"</i&gtsmiley - winkeye
so I like entries about real places from the people who were there and
want to say something...
I also made an entry about the whole Czech Republic
wherein Olomouc is, so you might review that one, too.
Anyways, does any of you know where to put anouncements about new user
pages when I'm not sure anybody ever reads my homepage so nobody gets to
know about the results of my field research and thus nobody will review
it increasing its chances of being put into the HHGG proper?

Europe and other research

Post 2


Darn the HTML or the lack thereof.

Europe and other research

Post 3


I have a question, but couldn't find the proper forum to put it into, about the search. Now, I was looking for some information on Chihuahuas that my friend had written, and so I typed in "Chihuahuas". However there was not the thing that I wanted. I KNOW THAT THIS ARTICLE WAS WRITTEN! Does the search only work for accepted entries? PETRUCHIO

Europe and other research

Post 4


Hi AI!
you wrote "I'm not sure anybody ever reads my homepage so nobody gets to know about the results of my field research" but I must ask "how you know it?" I read your homepage and I decide to write a reply to you.
I find your page when in search result "Czech".
So don't be possimist and take-it-all-easy smiley - winkeye
btw: won't you write a research page about czech beer. I think it's very interesting object of researching and who else can write it better than you? smiley - winkeye

Europe and other research

Post 5


Well, I really am not the best person to write about beer - I don't drink it. smiley - bigeyes What I wrote on the page about the Czech Republic is what I hear from people who have tasted many kinds of beer. So sorry, but certainly someone else will someday write more on that topic.

Europe and other research

Post 6


You can search for both try searching on 'chihu' only - just in case some one spelt some thing wrong....

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