A Conversation for Writing Guidelines


Post 21


I'm 17.
I wish I could take you, I'm going to Holland alone for the summer.



Post 22

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Where d'ya live? I was hoping Ally S (U97699) could come but she's not got her own passport. Jeni X (U108443) I also don't think has her own passport, I can't remember. There's always Jack (my brother) but now he's working I don't think he could, and Shim won't go near her (don't ask why).
17 is a nice age. Do you drive?


Post 23


I live on St Maarten, an island in the Caribbean.


Post 24


Btw I don't drive, you need to be 18 here...


Post 25

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Wow! An island in the Carrabean! (did I spell it right?) I was just wondering how come you were like me online so late but it must be quite early where you are! It's 1:08 a.m. here!

In England you have to be 17.


Post 26


Really?! I always thought it was 18 in all of Europe.... Well, I'm not really eager to drive anyway...
I suppose if must have been around 8 here then (I didn't really watch the time smiley - smiley).
Caribbean sounds more fun then it is really. It's always the same weather and when it's not it's a hurricane, which isn't all that fun. There's hardly anything to do or anywhere to go because it's so small. And basically it's just boring smiley - smiley
Maybe that's because I lived in Holland till my 11th, so I'm more used to having space around me, instead of water smiley - smiley



Post 27


Really?! I always thought it was 18 in all of Europe.... Well, I'm not really eager to drive anyway...
I suppose if must have been around 8 here then (I didn't really watch the time smiley - smiley).
Caribbean sounds more fun then it is really. It's always the same weather and when it's not it's a hurricane, which isn't all that fun. There's hardly anything to do or anywhere to go because it's so small. And basically it's just boring smiley - smiley
Maybe that's because I lived in Holland till my 11th, so I'm more used to having space around me, instead of water smiley - smiley



Post 28

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Am I seeing double?

I went sight-seeing around London today. Fun I know. I even dropped into h2g2 headquarters! And if Peta is reading this I fiddled on your keyboard by the way! (not that it matters)


Post 29


Just in case you missed it the first time smiley - winkeye

Cool smiley - smiley


Post 30

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

Oh, alright then.


Post 31


Are you *always* online?! smiley - smiley


Post 32

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

No, it's just I'm staying at my brothers (Shim U23) who has one of those modems that's always on-line for a flat rate fee. When I get back home towards the end of this week I'll be a little more restricted to mainly weekends and one or two evenings for about 1/2 and hour. I won't be on-line tomorrow though at all.


Post 33


I'm heading for the Netherlands this summer (July) I'll
be travelling around and visiting various friends of mine
(mainly in Twente and Rotterdam) for about 3 weeks...

I'm actually 23, but the problem may lie in the fact that
I am in Finland, so If you have to travel with an "adult"
on the plane then you are still in trouble...

email: [email protected]


Post 34

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

I'm alright when I get there, it's a case of actually travelling with someone


Post 35

Researcher 124974

The reason of traveling is...traveling, isn't it?


Post 36

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

I love travelling


Post 37


HI, you are in Finland so am I, doing my practical placement here...
Btw, I am not finish, I am dutch... Go back to the netherlands at the end of june...
Cool that you are going there but where are you in Finland at the moment...I am at Ylivieska attending school sometimes...=smiley - winkeye


Post 38

Katsy a.k.a. Esti

School? Don't mention it, the people in the USA are already on summer vacation and I've still got another 5 weeks to go until mine smiley - sadface

I need to renew my request with my sis to see if I can visit her


Post 39


Hej Jasper,
Pas maar op dat je niet verschrompelt in de sauna! smiley - smiley

Hi Katsy,
How's it going?
Yeah, I *am* still alive..



Post 40


Verschrompelen in de sauna...=smiley - smiley Als je na gaat dat we in de winter,
-20 graden celcius zelfs aan wak zwemmen hebben gedaan dan rijzen je haren te bergen...=smiley - winkeye

Leuk hoor, eerst een sauna van 90 of 100 graden, dan naar buiten in -20 graden, en dan in het water van +4 graden zwemmen. Daarna weer uit het water in -20 graden buitenlucht, de sauna van 90 a 100 graden weer in. Harstikke gezond maar volslagen gestoord...

En dan te bedenken dat we dat om de twee weken deden, nu is er echter geen wak meer want het ijs is gesmolten...=smiley - winkeye

Groeten Jasper

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