A Conversation for Writing Guidelines

Sweets and chocolates

Post 1


The humble sweet or confection is one of mankinds oldest products yet one still to find proper place in the
history books. My own part of the world, Scotland, made almost every kind of sweet at one time and had the
largest regional concentration of manufacturers during the last earth century.

Seeking out your stories involving the humble sweet. Maybe your first one or a strange gift sent to you
made from sugar or cocoa. a bit of trivia is that it takes 25 hours to make a Smartie but less than five
minutes to eat a whole box of them. My own preference is to squeeze two together to see which is toughest
and then eat the losers.. whats your preference ??

Sweets and chocolates

Post 2


Sometimes i like to keep them (smarties) in my mouth until the candy shell is gone then munch on all that choclate. I eat the red ones last sometimes too.
Speaking of squeezing candy together, when I'm eating skittles I like to squeeze them together until they fuze into one big squished flavor ball. smiley - smiley

Sweets and chocolates

Post 3


I wonder what Freud would have made of your wee habit PINK...
Could eating sweets a certain way possibly say something about what we are like
as people. DUNNO??

A friend once told me that they would line up smarties by colour then pick away at each colour
until all lines were equal. after that tough choice which one to devour next i suppose ?
Just a thought....

Sweets and chocolates

Post 4


Whenever I go to the movies, I always buy a jumbo-sized bag of Chewy SweeTarts, and, by the time the movie is half-over, I have an empty bag and a huge ball of candy, arranged in layers by flavor.

Sweets and chocolates

Post 5


I'm no psychiatrist but I'm sure that there are plenty of them out there that would have something to say about the way we eat our sweets.

As far as I'm concerened all it says about me is that I'll do things my own way.

Sweets and chocolates

Post 6

The Q

Someone once told me that the way the semi-naked young lady, who tongued, nibbled and eventually deep-throated the bar in the Cadbury's Flake advert...was somehow suggestive of oral sex!

Can't see it myself!

Sweets and chocolates

Post 7


Never saw that ad myself, but it sure does sound like they were using 'sex' to sell their candy. Hey, whatever turns you on I guess. Seeing a young lady deep-throat a candy bar doesn't sound too appetizing to me.

Sweets and chocolates

Post 8


the barebum has seen the advert and it got me a bit hot under the collar. mind you, that happens quite a lot these days .
back to the sex and chocolate thing.. ever wondered why men are seen in candy adverts as gaining energy from them but women always are seen as sexual images ? works for me.. but surely exploitation of one kind or another ???

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