A Conversation for Writing Guidelines

subjects missing from the guide

Post 1

Peter Hilton

Wouldn't it be good if we had a better idea of what is missing from the guide, when we decide to write new user pages?

I'd like to see a page that listed the most common searches that return 'Search Failed!'. You never know - there might be 100 failed searches per day for something I know all about...

subjects missing from the guide

Post 2


Cor, now thats a blooming good idea.

subjects missing from the guide

Post 3

Mark Moxon

Which is why we're going to try to do it. Our programming team has been hit by serious illness over the last three weeks, but we're hoping to enhance the search engine so that we get told which entries people are searching for that we don't have, so we can then ask the researchers to fill the gap.

Is this what you meant?

subjects missing from the guide

Post 4


Well thats what I would like to see. Great! It would be good for us aspiring researchers to get out there and research a subject the masses would like to know about, instead of endlessly duplicating. BTW, i only found out about this site yesterday, after reading an interview with Mr Adams in a mag. His idea of everyone putting in their gradmothers name and date/location of birth is a great one. How about the odd poll or survey to add stats to the entries?

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