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THE film

Post 1


Is the h2g2 film gr8 or what. i hope they make restaurant at the end of the universe 2 da big screen 2

THE film

Post 2


Same here! i think the TV series and book were funnier though. Still a better movie than a lot of the drivel that is shown on the big screen

THE film

Post 3


i dont understand how about 80% of the cast is american. They should have kept it english... and im not even english!!

smiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - biggrinsmiley - alesmiley - alesmiley - ale

THE film

Post 4


I'm 15 and read the books about a year ago and i think the film is great but i think it was better than the Tv series

THE film

Post 5


when i found out Americans were doing the movie i was skeptal..... how could they possibly understand Britsh humor
However, somehow they pulled it off, and now i don't get such stange looks when i start quoting Hitchhikers in converstations
I really really hope that they continue and finish the rest of the books.... its be like the lead up to stars wars or Lord of the rings, except it'll be Hitchikers!!! hoorah!!!

THE film

Post 6


I found the loss of some of my favourite parts of the series and books slightly disconcerting and the way Zaphods two heads worked was irritating, the Vogons and Vogsphere were great though. The film gets a smiley - ok but not a big one.
I would guess that enough money has been made for them to justify a sequel, though I'm not sure how wonderful it will be with a total lack of input from the late, great Douglas Adams.

THE film

Post 7


ok the film, what were they playing at half of the plot was made up it was gd but the radio series is still the best WHAT HAPPENED TO MARVIN AND ZAPHOD THEY WHERE RUINEDsmiley - wah

THE film

Post 8


No character depth.... A common fault in films...
At least it was made...
I did quite enjoy some of it... Sadly Marvin was my favourite character and as you suggested most of his best scenes were missing...
Perhaps the sequel will be better.

THE film

Post 9


i agree i think zaphod was a bit messed up wasnt he supposed to have been born with to heads because in the book Restaurant at the end of the Universe when he has the seance his great grandfather has to heads aswell so i dont no wat the film was playing at theresmiley - erm

THE film

Post 10


According to Arthurs lines in the book and series the second head was pretty obvious...But could be concealed or perhaps detached. On first meeting Zaphod just before Trillion enters.."...He only had the one head then..."
I think in the BBC show he hid it under a parrots cage at the party..

THE film

Post 11


It's not like you need them to add character depth after you've read the books.

But really. I don't think they can make a sequel, concidering how the movie works differently than the books. I mean, if they do make a sequel, it probably won't be nearly as good, and without Adams's input it'd be pretty... maybe interesting, I guess. I'd go see it, but still.

It should be noted that I liked the film.

THE film

Post 12


I agree with INSiDAH!!!
They should've kept 100% english!!!!!!
Still gonna go watch the movie! The book was GREAT!smiley - biggrin


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THE film

Post 13


Ok peoples the film was so gr8 omg i totally loved it. It's got martin freeman init as arthur- hot, damn!!! But that's not the main reason i liked it. I don't know why i like it, maybe coz it's soo unlike other movies, so original. And i finished reading life the universe and everything 3 days ago- a little complicated, but a fantastic read.
I love hitchikers guide!!!!
I love it so much i scribbled "don't panic" and "42" and "Do you know where your towel is??" and so on all over my sneakers. Random. Did u no trillian calls her baby random??? Or does she??? So many peeps say she does...i'll find out when i read mostly harmless. I have a top which says "don't panic i'm mostly harmless". Yeah, im not random, just very improbable.

THE film

Post 14


ive read all the books and she does name her child random and takes her to see arthur dent on some planet where he makes sandwhiches its bloody funny

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