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Post 1


I have just made a green tomato with apple chutney-from the bbc recipe its is very spoonable!
I also made a red tomato chutney-same recipe-very pourable!! any suggestions to bulk it up prior to bottling?


Post 2

Stealth "Jack" Azathoth

Hi there and welcome to h2g2!

I've never made a chutney for myself as much as I love them. I good place for your question would be <./>Askh2g2</.> if it was a recipe from h2g2 guide pages then the author may be available for comment too.


Post 3


When I make chutneys I usually thicken with a cornflour paste and cook out for 2 mins. OR cook for longer with no lid on to reduce the liquid.


Post 4


Oddly enough, i also made green tomato chutney in the last few days; my recipe was:

2lb apples (peel, core, slice)
4lb green toms, slice
1lb onions, slice
1 level TBS salt
1 to 1/2 pts vinegar (i live in France, i cheated & used half Bordeaux wine that had hung around a bit to long!)smiley - winkeye
1 levellish teaspoon ginger (ground or powder)
1 lb sugar
smidgin of chopped chili

I let it fester slowly for a couple of days in a very heavy covered pan, then tasted, adjusted spices, salt, sugar, festered it another day, then whizzed it a bit in blender & decanted into sterilised jars. Hopefully i may sell some at the Xmas Market, if not & Les Frogs run screaming; i have El cheapo Branston type pickle for meself!smiley - evilgrin for meself!

Shazz is the expert on pickling stuff; hang on, i will post her link...



Post 5


Shazz (who is also involved with smiley - thepost) can be found at:


zdt (do say i sent you!)

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