A Conversation for Thanks for Registering with h2g2 - Welcome!

Nice welcome but

Post 1

Researcher 181894

What I really want to know is where I get a researcher's card from. You know the sort of thing, about the size of a credit card, says something like "H2G2 Field Researcher" on it and can be used to obtain drinks when alternative methods of payment have failed.

Nice welcome but

Post 2

Silly Willy

Hmmm....I'd also like to know where I can get one smiley - smiley

Nice welcome but

Post 3


We're hopefully going to implement an on-screen card that shows your Researcher number and name, along with various other details, which you'll be able to print out yourself, laminate, and then use to blag your way into a Vogon spaceship.

No definite deadline for release, but it's something the designers have been incorporating into the forthcoming site redesign. smiley - smiley

Nice welcome but

Post 4

Silly Willy

That would be *really* smiley - cool!!

I'm getting excited jus thinking about it!

Nice welcome but

Post 5


And being a humble lot, it would need to show that we were Ace's, Guru's etc...

Also, I work in the publishing trade and it would be very helpful if the downloadable version was a high resolution .pdf document (rather than a .jpg).


Nice welcome but

Post 6


What????? I know what a JCB is....

Nice welcome but

Post 7


smiley - smiley

.pdf is a Portable Document Format (small file size, but high resolution)

.jpg stands for Joint Photographic Group (or something like that) - small file size and very low quality/resolution.

I'm going to sit in the corner now, I feel like a geek.

Nice welcome but

Post 8


Come out of that corner you geek!!!!
Thanks for the info..but I'm still as confused as I was to start with!! I thought a resolution was something you tried not to break after 1st Jan! Is a high resolution something you keep on the top shelf of the wardrobe?? I'm sure they must be very fragile cos most people seem to break theirs and then they can't get another one for a whole year!

Now I'm going to sit in corner cos I feel like a dimwit!! lol

Nice welcome but

Post 9


Just seeing if I can do the smileys...Might as well send you one!! smiley - biggrin

Nice welcome but

Post 10


Thanx for the big smiley - smiley

Sorry for being a geek, it's just my job....

I'm going to write a guide entry on resolution, I'll let you know when I've done it!!

smiley - winkeyeOrangeRocketsmiley - winkeye

Nice welcome but

Post 11


smiley - biggrinI'd love to read it...but only if it won't confuse me,cos I'm a dizzy redhead who doesn't always grasp what things meansmiley - erm.....

Nice welcome but

Post 12


HI, if you feel like a DIMWIT ...Im your man, at your service! by the way if you find any religion in that dark corner your sitting in, it could be mine I once sat in a corner losing it...Im not sure if I want it back though!..I see your high resolution lingers on top of your wardrobe, .......my low resolution is when I resolved to clean dog hairs off the carpet with a pair of high visability MARIGOLD RUBBER GLOVES!....see like I said if you fancy dim, you got it right here!! lol...

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