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Belgium! Man, ... Belgium

Post 1


I remember being a kid, and listening to HHG2TG on my radio every Saturday. Being swept into an amazing aural world, full of wonder, wit, and sarcasm. I remember taping the episodes so I could listen to them on my walkman at school. While everyone else was concerned with the football team, or who was dating who, I sat there quietly laughing and enjoying the picture that was being painted on my minds eye by Mr Adams' work. It got to the point that some of my friends began to call me Marvin, which any other kid would have hated, but I found a compliment.
I remember being upset on those Saturdays when my folks were so concerned with the condition of the lawn, and my lack of attention to it. I can still see there angry faces as I would turn off the lawnmower, mesmorised by the drama unfolding, wondering what would happen when the infinite improbability drive spat that whale and pot of flowers out.
To this, if I hear that first set of notes played by the banjo in the opening theme, I get chills, and my eyes tear up.
I had always wanted to meet Mr Adams. I wondered how does one approach the person, who in large part, made me who I am. Now I'll never know how it would feel.
I look down, and see that I need a new pair of shoes.

Belgium, man, ...

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Belgium! Man, ... Belgium

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