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Visa Vista

Post 1

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

After 9 months of puting up with work and stressing about this whole move to the USA I've finaly got my K1 Visa to marry my beloved Teru.

I went to the embasy a whole hour before the 9:30 time on the letter (I got up at 5am) I had my full suite on with tie. 3 queues, 4 security checks of various kinds then a virtual queue (2 hours later) check all my forms are in order next virtual queue (20 minutes later) ask me some not very hard questions and thats it... approved. I had to ask the guy to confirm it because I was a little in shock.

But happy, very very happy.

There was one person ahead of me in the queues; from India who was getting a torist visa. he's a Cisco Networking MA doing his PhD in the UK and he was still waiting when I exited. smiley - erm I hope he managed to get everything sorted because I figured he'd be processed quickly and I'd be the one waiting until 5pm.

OK so I gets out, mind in a spin, headache and the rest but happy anyway. when I get a text for my old friend from Bibliotech asking for some help with a Linux server. unfortunatly there isn't external ssh access to I have to journey all the way to High Wycombe; earned a little extra money too for the wedding and I saved his arse too which is nice.

Visa Vista

Post 2

pheloxi | is it time to wear a hat? |

congrats...may the home of the brave be with you!

Visa Vista

Post 3

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

Thank you!

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