This is the Message Centre for DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

Alton Towers

Post 1

DoctorMO (Keeper of the Computer, Guru, Community Artist)

I know this is a bit late but it's been waiting awhile on my HDD until I got tired of v*rking smiley - winkeye

A tale of a meet, a realy good meet-up infact, right. and tho it was lashed from on high by numbers things was very sucseesfull and enjoyable.

I got the train to Alton on this meet, once there there was pub with lots of drinks and jokes going round, including a mystery drink (did not partispat but looked good fun) got to meet some people for the first time. and generaly had a good time.

afterwards, I had to sort out a space for Clivethe flying somthing and that was about it I talked a bit I think, probly board people to death. smiley - laugh

Now the event, the saturday... rides, tickets, food and talking. much mcuh talking. infact we stayed about 2 hours outside the cafe. but rides were in the event of things. the black hole, enterprise and somthing to do with ug all made me feel as if my sides were in the middle and that the earth should stop bouncing up and down any minet now.

we had some food, I brought my towel, and still got asked why, should I need to anwser? and I used it to eat on the grass, Oh and when we went on the log flume and the rapids, very usefull.

after one of the rides, there was an arcade, I think it was the ug land rollercoaster. I think I made an impresion at this point, winning 100 odd tickets for the meet sheep [see photo] with one 20p. YaY

we wraped up this day with a barby que, with lovly candles and music. lots more talking and food. I ate until I was ready to burst I think.

the second day, was more of the same, I took a walk though the gardens, did Hex twice and stood in the vertual line que again. thats about it realy, I've been meaning to write this up for some time now...

I'm sure I've missed things out anyway.

Thanks, love

-- DoctorMO --

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