A Conversation for The Quite Interesting Society

QI - There's just one thing that bothers me, sir...

Post 21


Elephant hide and seek

Camel wrestling

QI - There's just one thing that bothers me, sir...

Post 22

Icy North

Correct! Camel wrestling! smiley - applausesmiley - bubbly

A popular sport in Turkey. It's all in here:


I'll award points tomorrow.

smiley - cheers Icy

QI - There's just one thing that bothers me, sir...

Post 23


*is stunned*

smiley - huh

smiley - rofl

I made that up on the spot as a joke as an absurd thing to do with a camel!

Ah well, you live and learn.

QI - There's just one thing that bothers me, sir...

Post 24


Just don't tell me that Elephant Hide and Seek exists or I'll have to do something drastic.

QI - There's just one thing that bothers me, sir...

Post 25


From that link...

>Only male camels can wrestle in these contests, and then only those born to female camels with a single hump (dromedary or “yoz” camels) or those with double humps (Bactrian or “buhur” camels).<

So, only male camels then.

Is there another kind of camel other than a dromedary or bactrian?

Also where are these camel that are not born of a female?

smiley - bigeyes

QI - There's just one thing that bothers me, sir...

Post 26

Malabarista - now with added pony

Well, you've got your llamas and alpacas and whatnot...

QI - There's just one thing that bothers me, sir...

Post 27


Well they're related to camels sure but not actually camels.
Isn't that like saying a sheep is a goat or a frog is a toad?

QI - There's just one thing that bothers me, sir...

Post 28

Icy North


Mala +1 (post 2) pigeons - feasible
KB +6 (post 7) QI: origin of Subbuteo and link to Feter Falk
Bob +1 (post 12) Camels
Orcus +3 (post 21) correct

No klaxons.

Thanks for playing!

smiley - cheers Icy

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