A Conversation for Smileys: Miscellaneous

Who likes Final mfantasy?

Post 1


Anyone here like Final fantasy? please no abuse. smiley - dontpanic

Who likes Final Fantasy?

Post 2


I do. smiley - smiley I've just finished FFX2 and am playing it again from the start to try to get all the bits I missed the first time round.

Who likes Final Fantasy?

Post 3


thanks for correcting my mistype. i havent finished x2 yet. i'm up to the bit where you fight Ixion (lightning aeon) have you compleated FFx? i dont think people should play FFX2 before at least getting to know the story line of FFX. smiley - tea

Who likes Final Fantasy?

Post 4


I've played them all from FFVII to the one I have now. Apparently FFXI was going to be pretty much online, and although I seem to have totally missed any release info I heard a rumour that FFXII was already out in certain places. Not many people want to pay to store their characters! I regularly get 80 hours game play from these games - spread over months. I didn't fancy paying to store the characters for that long.

I like this game better than FFX itself, although I miss Auron. Having a model-sized girlie to wave a sword about isn't the same.

Who likes Final Fantasy?

Post 5


Just did a bit of quick research - seems like it's the online version that's out but not in the UK. Looks like it's not going to be released on the PS2 here - only online. Useless - it's not FF unless it's large on the TV with big sound!

Who likes Final Fantasy?

Post 6


Yeah. i'm hoping that FFX11 is'nt online at all, i dislike online games because then you have to pretty much depend on other people playing at the same time as you. smiley - tea

Who likes Final Fantasy?

Post 7


I don't like them because I'm always rubbish and die. smiley - sadface

Who likes Final Fantasy?

Post 8


Keep at it, train a bit and I'm sure you'll do good! you'll be missing out on a lot if you dont finish it. smiley - tea

Who likes Final Fantasy?

Post 9


You all suck, ff sucks, it's soooooooo rubbish, it's a waste of time/money/electricity/antoms to make the game(that is if you can call such junk a game)

Who likes Final Fantasy?

Post 10


You all suck, ff sucks, it's soooooooo rubbish, it's a waste of time/money/electricity/atoms to make the game(that is if you can call such junk a game)

Who likes Final Fantasy?

Post 11


Locke_Brigand, I think I'll leave it! I don't like playing other people unless I can just exist in the same world and not have to have anything to do with other people. Which kind of defeats the object! I'll stick to just me in my world. smiley - winkeye

Who likes Final Fantasy?

Post 12


I understand how you feel. everone is entitled to thier opinion. Please, call me Locke. Kaiser: that was totally inopropriate please refrane from insulting things you have probably never done. dont knock it until you've tried it! smiley - tea

Who likes Final Fantasy?

Post 13


I have, it was the most boring half an hour of my life. Get your facts right before charging in.

Who likes Final Fantasy?

Post 14


Half an hour isnt exactly a fair trail. if it was that short you couldnt have possibly have played them all, you cannot say 'FF sucks' untill you have tried them all because there are more than one. the only certain thing you should say is 'this particular FF sucks'. which one did you play? was it on pc or playstation or nes? smiley - tea

Who likes Final Fantasy?

Post 15


Ie played 9 and 8 but I couldnt finish 8 as the cut scene at sorceress memorial kept freezing. Where squall cuts rinoa out of the big globy thing.

Who likes Final Fantasy?

Post 16


Ha I have drouned the conversation, it's dead now.

Who likes Final Fantasy?

Post 17


That sucks, my ps never freezes. i'm lucky. smiley - tea

Who likes Final Fantasy?

Post 18

The Iron Maiden

Half an hour on a Final Fantasy game and you wimped out? What a fairy! smiley - biggrin

FF rules. 7 and 9 are best. I'm considering FF11 kind of...don't know how much more time I want to spend online already smiley - erm

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