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£1 a day

Post 1


Warning bit ranty

I am getting very spissed off with a load of people saying how easy it is live on £1 a day or £14 a week

You know what I really get it, if you are incredibly careful and have good access to food suppliers you can live on a small budget.

But it is quite disingenuous to say oh looks at my yummy carrot, kidney bean and cumin burger that is all of 42p a serving, easy peasy budgeting for a family, yourself a period of time.

Yep yummy burger, put then points out that if you wanted an apple or a banana over the day that would cost you 10p or 14p and blow your budget

and then a nutritionist waded in with while you had a healthy diet not enough calories, especially if you are also active.

The £14.50 budget was based on a online pricing up of cheapest prices of a variety of supermarkets, yep because everyone has access to four different supermarkets to buy pasta from, spuds from the other and beans from somewhere else.

Also they didn't actually reflect the prices I see in the supermarkets or shops particulary for the veg.

Multi buys get on my wick and how they are budgeting in to price per serving. It is cheaper to four tins of tomatoes at £1 than one for 30p, but I want to buy my kid an apple to put in their lunch box smiley - wah and I'm not sure I can manage those multi buys and get on the bus.

Most of all I am titted off because I feel there is unlying message, you know what poor people, there is no real need for food banks in this country you are just not cooking right smiley - steam

£1 a day

Post 2

Elektragheorgheni -Please read 'The Post'

yeah,what a smiley - laugh. As if these people even did their own shopping and don't have their 'people' do this for them. Dumb polticians and stars are pulling this dodge over here as well. It is a gross insult to the 99%. What an adventure to live poor for a week. Not so much fun to do it longer, is it?

£1 a day

Post 3


And while everyone is merrily chomping on their yummy carrot, kidney bean and cumin burgers, we can say ok, austerity policies are fine and dandy, we all just have to be a little more thrifty smiley - groan

Even though their budgeting doesn't stand up to any scrutiny as a Massachusetts student pointed out...

£1 a day

Post 4

Dr Anthea - ah who needs to learn things... just google it!

all that carrot and kidney bean burgers... your going to need some toilet paper

£1 a day

Post 5


There was a mushroom and pasta recipe in there that would make smart price loo roll a false ecomony for an Aunt of mine smiley - yuk

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