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Waiter Buffalo
IMSoP - Safely transferred to the 5th (or 6th?) h2g2 login system Started conversation Jan 23, 2004
Well, I guess I'm back at Uni, then! Actually, it's been two weeks already, but it's all gone rather quickly...
My holidays were the usual mix of pleasing family encounters, disorganisation and varying degrees of success in carrying through my plans . Specifically, highlights included: seeing my nieces and nephew, who are all incredibly sweet and great fun to play with
; chatting and philosophising with my family generally, by the open fire
; and seeing Lifson again, strange as it was
. Lowlights included watching various members of my family heading off abroad (Sweden, Florida, the Netherlands...) and realising I'd pretty much missed my chance to visit my friend[s] who is/are studying in Germany
; and thinking too late that I should have looked up more of my old friends while I was home
. But there's always a next time...
The term started with the news that my room had been broken into - but they'd only got as far as busting the windowlocks, and all my stuff was safely upstairs anyway.
[In fact, there's an amusing story about where my stuff got hidden over the holidays, involving 3 locked bedrooms, 2 keys, and some dodgy machine translation - but I'll save that for another time...
] I'd like to be able to say "it's been [up|down]hill from there", but it's been consistently neither
- including as it has making and filling a hole in the living-room wall
; scalding myself rather badly trying to make a cup of
; some scarily organisedness, and some plain old scared disorganisedness
; much nattering and general friendliness with friends
; being as late for everything as ever - including bed
; going to the cinema to see "Spirited Away", only to find they'd loaded it onto the spool in the wrong order
; and then yesterday going to see "Cypher" which was above average but not brilliant, but which contained in the credits an extra called, I kid you not, "Waiter Buffalo"!
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