A Conversation for Craft Centre: Hair-Related Crafts

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Post 1


No-one's commented on this, so I'll just tell you how I have my hair.
What I like to do with my hair is put it up in two high piggytails (very high) and plait them right down to the end, securing the ends with elastic bands. Then I coil my plaits round to form two little buns, and secure them with a chopsticks. I don't usually use chopsticks, I usually use drinks stirrers I bought in TESCO, but as long as it's straight with a slightly pointed bit at the bottom, it'll do! Wearing pencils is good for school, 'cos it reeeeally makes ppl scare. smiley - smiley It takes a bit of tweaking to get the chopsticks to hold your hair in, but in the end, it looks great.
Or I just have it down, in just my bright-red bob. I hope someone posts something here soon, 'cos I like hair-craft things. smiley - rainbow

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Post 2

Mag Ratte

Try this - it's not permanent (for best effect, your hair needs a couple of layers and to be at least chin length).

Either dry your hair in plaits, or crimp it.
Rake through with fingers to get most of it out, while your head is upside down.
Still upside down, spray until rigid with the strongest hairpray you can find.
Don't spend the rest of the day upside down.

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