A Conversation for OK Soda

A584705 - OK Soda

Post 1



The genius of OK Soda must be made available to all before those who experienced it have forgotten about it. Also, it's very amusing, and is just the sort of bizarre, quirky silliness that Guide readers are almost certain to appreciate.

A584705 - OK Soda

Post 2


You're not wrong - it sounds like the sort of thing Tango would do, given half a chance (instead they just messed up my computer with Tango 'genes' that then expired and refuse to be deleted).

This is an OK (ahaha) entry so far, though I wouldn't mind hearing a bit more about the drink if possible.

Also, may I ask where you got the OK Personality Inventory? It's certainly a worthy addition to the entry, but I'm not sure about copywrite issues - though it may be fine (I think it probably is).

Good stuff! Keep it up.

A584705 - OK Soda

Post 3

il viaggiatore

I remember OK soda and even called the number a few times. All this should not be lost simply because it failed economically. I hope this gets edited.

A584705 - OK Soda

Post 4


Well, I suppose I should probably add a bit more about the soda, although it really wasn't very extraordinary - it was, as they say, merely OK.

I didn't think of copyright issues, but I can say that when the product suddenly vanished off the shelves and I phoned Coca Cola customer service about the matter they seemed curiously eager to completely avoid the topic of OK Soda as if it was some sort of horrible mistake that should be kept secret. I don't know if this means they'd be annoyed if the Personality Inventory got wide circulation, or if they've so completely distanced themselves from anything OK-related that it wouldn't matter in the slightest. As for how I got it - well, my friends and I used to call that toll-free number literally dozens of times every day, so we ended up just transcribing a list. We would only get five questions per survey, and they were chosen at random, so this took a ridiculous amount of perseverence. I wish I had saved some of the coincidences and other nonsense they did - much of it was quite brilliant.

A584705 - OK Soda

Post 5

Wayfarer -MadForumArtist, Keeper of bad puns, Greeblet with Goo beret, Tangential One

very interesting. does the number still work?

A584705 - OK Soda

Post 6


Sadly, no.

A584705 - OK Soda

Post 7

Hiram Abif (aka Chuang Tzu's Pancreas)

I find this interesting, particularly because I live in Cokeville, USA (Atlanta) and have for over 15 years but never once heard of this OK product before......A conspiracy? Probably...... but that's OK...

A584705 - OK Soda

Post 8

Hiram Abif (aka Chuang Tzu's Pancreas)

I never had the soda, but I'm picking the entry anyway! This thread will be closed.....Thanks for good work

A584705 - OK Soda

Post 9


A better than okay entry. You might want to also mention that the designs on the cans were done by some relatively big-name comic book artists, Charles Burns and Dan Clowes, maybe others. There's probably more info on the web about the artists who contributed.

A584705 - OK Soda

Post 10

Wayfarer -MadForumArtist, Keeper of bad puns, Greeblet with Goo beret, Tangential One

oh, too bad. i was looking foward to calling it...

Thread Moved

Post 11

h2g2 auto-messages

Editorial Note: This conversation has been moved from 'Peer Review' to 'OK Soda'.

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Thread Moved

Post 12

il viaggiatore


A584705 - OK Soda

Post 13


Thanks, I was trying to find out who did the art but couldn't dig up the info. Now that I have some names, I'll see what more I can find out.

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