This is the Message Centre for minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!


Post 1

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

I Was in Glasgow yesterday, and figured I could probably order my Macbook in the apple store because the website had been stupid. So In i walked, and twenty minutes later i walked out with my MacBook Pro smiley - wow And a couple of programs for it. I brought it all the way back to Dundee (whith a little help from a friend the last two miles) and went to bed eager to set it up this morning.

This morning I opened the box, unwrapped the mac and found the power chord, plugged it in and turned it on. "daah" ooh I have missed that noise! Everything seems to be working untilI try clicking on something, the click doesnt seem to register, but its okay, because the friendly Setup is telling me to use the Voiceover screenreader and keyboard commands. I figure I have to set it up before the mouse click will be enaled, so through the setup process I go, Its all so easy. Then I am presented with me desktop and a 'finder' window. Again I try clicking, again, nothing, so I figure a restart is in order. But I cant click the apple menu, or any other menu. So i press and hold the power button, the computer shuts down. I let it sit for a minute while i look again at the manual. No, this isnt in there as a problem. So I hit the power button again to restart the computer. Everything seems to be okay, until I try to click on something, again, the mouse pointer will move, but it wont click. I decide its time to get some help, so I phone the support techs. A friendly irishman takes my details and those of the computer. He gives me a few things to try, none of them work, so my computer and I must make the journey back to Glasgow. I am stuck with this PC for the next few days at least, but hopefully a fix for my Mac can be found quickly.

minismiley - mouse


Post 2

lil ~ Auntie Giggles with added login ~ returned

Oh what a shame! smiley - smooch

Hopefully they will sort it out quickly, hunny smiley - hug


Post 3

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

I'll swap you my G4 PowerBook HD, who's mouse button works, for your macbook pro with the non working mouse button and the receipt. smiley - smiley

smiley - cheers


Post 4

Mister Matty

Awwwwwwww, no! smiley - sadface


Post 5

Prof Animal Chaos.C.E.O..err! C.E.Idiot of H2G2 Fools Guild (Official).... A recipient of S.F.L and

smiley - winkeyestop copying me, your only jealous

F1926355?thread=5128083 alt="smiley - tongueout" title="tongueout" class="smiley" src=""/>smiley - biggrin


Post 6


Aww poor Minismiley - mouse, smiley - hug. These things happen, getting it all set up right is tricky, once its done i hope you enjoy the web with a better nice new mac. smiley - ok


Post 7

T.B. Falsename ACE: [stercus venio] I have learned from my mistakes, and feel I could repeat them exactly.

>>getting it all set up right is tricky

One of the major plus points of the Mac is supposed to be that that isn't so. Just plug it in, fill in the registration stuff and you're ready to go.

smiley - cheers


Post 8


Very dear Mini,

I think you are absolutely fantastic in doing all that by yourself. and a beautiful new Mac. I believe they are wonderful computers.

I wish you well and feel sure that with the help you are getting you will figure it out. Something I could never do. !!

Bonne chance.



Post 9

minichessemouse - Ahoy there me barnacle!

Well the shinymac is in the case that this PC is supposed to travel in, but thats only because it is too big for the case i have for the now deceased DinoMac and i havent gotten it a case of its own yet. It is 6am, and my alarm will sound to wake me up in 2 hours, but i havent actually been to sleep. I was up at around 1pm on Tuesday, and have been awake since then. This does not bode well for me having the required energy for my trip to Glasgow today. Im sorely tempted just to showe and dress now and head through to Glasgow early, but what would i do all day? I have reached a whole new level of 'Meh@ I thingk.

miniusmiley - mouse


Post 10


you will sleep well tonight then Minismiley - smiley

Hope your mac does toosmiley - rainbow


Post 11


My dear Mini

Do hope that you were not too tired.

I wonder if you should try and do Hatha Yoga. I used to get into a tizz-wazz about things, and in order to help me relax I started going to classes of Yoga.

It did absolute wonders for me and for twenty five years I stood on my head for fifteen minutes every single day. Except that you do not actually stand on your head.

Kneel on the floor, you put your arms out in front of your knees with you palms together and then clutch you fingers together. You first bend your elbows so that your arms are like a triangle in front of you. Then slowly bring you rear up and gnetly put your head into your cupped hands and then stay there and let your head get used to the fact that the brain is having an increasd flow of blood to it.
I did this for about eight months and then one day, Hey Presto just knew that I would be able to stand on my head.

BUT, BUT, BUT.......

Absolutely do not do this by yourself. Join a group of people who are doing Yoga. It really has been my saving grace all my life, because I was able to learn the DNA maxim DON'T PANIC long before I met him on hootoo. !!

With much affection in your new stress-free life. !!

the head standing octogenarian. !! However I no longer practise it not since I have been in a wheelchair. !! I would look a proper banana if I fell over and could not get myself up again. !!!!

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