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KimotoCat Posted Sep 12, 2001
Yes, pity the whole world.
I still haven't heard substantiated proof that it should be muslims who did this - remember they said the same about the Oklahoma Bombing? And Tim McVeigh was sure no muslim!
I don't think I've ever been as afraid in my adult life - notwithstanding certain traffic incidents - as I was when I heard and saw this dreadful thing!
I usually make long, complex entries, but right now, words fail me.
I wonder what will happen the next couple days...
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Sep 12, 2001
I am shocked that a very reasonable pleasant Australian woman (who is a very sweet person I always thought) said to me just a minute ago, that she thought 'Dubya' should prevent future trouble by "wiping out all Arab countries- just wiping them right off the face of the earth, no hesitation". I am horrified! I *like* Diane and can't believe she would say such a thing. You are right, there is no proof Muslims were responsible! My son, Jimmy, has a cynical theory that"it's all about the money" as that Swedish(?) woman sang in her song about two years ago...Jimmy says it's a coincidence that it happened *right* after China joined the WTO... I leave it to him and his social studies teacher to work out the theory, but I am sorry that people (the FBI for one) are going to act on not enough evidence and decide on prejudice. The Americans were saying *right* after it (07:00 NZ time) that they thought it was all down to Osama Bin Laden...
KimotoCat Posted Sep 13, 2001
Maybe it is him... maybe it osn't...
But I strongly oppose the mobs of angry people i the US - and outside - who take their anger out on innocent people whose only crime is to be muslim.
When 2-300 people wreck a mosque in revenge of the WTA-massacre, they really aren't much better than the hijackers. If there had been fatalities, they wouldn't have been ANY better.
Well, that's just my opinion presently.
DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me! Posted Sep 15, 2001
Oh, I have heard nothing about that - it's shocking! I have heard of a group in Texas, firing on an 'Islamic Centre' and people here in NZ making obscene phone calls to such places, and spitting on schoolchildren. I cannot understand such hate!
KimotoCat Posted Sep 15, 2001
Oh, I can understand hate, but I cannot understand that people can react this way - let the hate control them and absorb them.
Taking out ones hate on innocents is exactly what the hijackers did.
I'm still somewhat scared. You?
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