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Post 1

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

This is a sunny day! smiley - starsmiley - earth The best of it,is, it is also warm!!!!! This means so much to we cats, and our children... Somewhere, there is a house in a clearing, with lots of windows and doors, all open to the garden and the wild beyond the garden... smiley - rose

Those in the house welcome everyone who comes, because all belong to their family, and there is always a gathering, and a *party* going on! smiley - musicalnote

This is a dream I had one night, and one of the ones I still remember years later... It had no particular meaning, except a really good vibe, which is always welcome.

Recommended book- A Stitch In Time: Andrew (Garak) Robinson. (If you haven't read it yet, what are you waiting for?!!!)

Here in the real world, it's clouding over. I sent wedding photos to a penfriend yesterday, (keyboard friend), and I'm getting more photos. I cannot wait to write my current best story, Visitors. (Wish you all could read it, but you can't, it's not finished anyway.) smiley - ufo
Somebody tell me how to do emphases on this! Bold, italic, underline etc. Thanking you in anticipation (LOL) smiley - bluebutterfly

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