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Post 1

DA ; Simply Vicky: Don't get pithy with me!

Ladies and germs, please disregard my pathetic effort at writing a poem (below). I so don't like it now.. Is there a way to take things orf? <fairy.
But there are other things I can talk about - just not in verse. smiley - ufo
Blakes Seven is gone! I am sad, but I am getting over it, because Star Trek is still there! smiley - ufo
I am so hungry smiley - burgersmiley - strawberries
I will go home and write a story, maybe.. About a woman abducted by aliens along with 8 other people, and who discovers that the bus driver abducted along with them all is really an alien himself, but a good one and like a not-very-cautious woman, she falls in love with him, but speaks roughly to him, because that's what she does..

'Speak roughly to your little boy
And beat him when he sneezes
He only does it to annoy
Because he knows it teases'
Lewis Carroll.smiley - cat

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