This is the Message Centre for Dolphin Girl: Patron Saint of Incoherent Ramblings; Keeper of Flutes and Singing Watches
Puzzles pages
Researcher 38090 Started conversation Jun 19, 1999
I see you are heavily involved in the puzzles pages.
I have a solution to the problem of people posting answers in the question forum.
See question 1 forum.
P.S nice dolphin pic. But how do you type?
Dolphin communication
Researcher 38090 Posted Jun 19, 1999
I've just realised you don't have to. Dolphins can talk in modem language can't they.
Dolphin communication
Dolphin Girl: Patron Saint of Incoherent Ramblings; Keeper of Flutes and Singing Watches Posted Jun 19, 1999
I pyschically (excuse the spelling) talk through my friend Emma. She types it all up though not very well, she is not as bright as me you see!
(Emma is now objecting strongly to that last remark!)
Dolphin pods
Industrial Gila Dolphin Posted Jun 20, 1999
well at last i've found a fellow dolphin person! Hi! if we can find any more we can have a pod of us. \\_--- `-)
I used to do a good ascii dolphin...hmmm
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