This is the Message Centre for ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish

Terrist Attak!

Post 1

ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish

Today is a day that will go down in history as a verry dark day this is the worst thing to happen scince WW2. Thousands Dead Thousands more Injurd in this terrest attak on The wlorld trade centere, The Pentegon and a car bomb outside the sucrty building. This is a verry dark day posably the start of the next wlorld war smiley - sadface. My Email box is being fludeded as we on the aceform discus this termoil and the loss of life. Evryone will be affected by this Tradgy , the repocusions of this could be so far outreaching that even the most fantastic Ideas could be played out. The Wlorld has a hard slog ahead of it and these people must be brought to justice but not by stating a war. If you need to talk feal free Im here to lissen and so are otheres so if you feal the need to talk dont hold back let it out we understand. If you fear you may have lost someone in this tradgy phone the

UK Foreign Office:
020 7008 0000

or the
Contact United Airlines on 1 800 932 8555 or American Airlines on 1 800 245 0999

To keep uptodate go to the bbc news page at

I wish you all well and I give my Condonces to all of you werever you are.

Good luck World
we will need it.

Terrist Attak!

Post 2

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Thanks for posting these numbers, Paul. Well done. smiley - hug


Terrist Attak!

Post 3

Gw7en, Voice of Chaos (Classic)

Thanks for posting these numbers, Paul. Well done. smiley - hug


Terrist Attak!

Post 4

ViceChancellorGriffin Keeper spelling Mistakes and Goldfish

Its nothing the nuber of people missing is horrfic.
over 25000.

Terrist Attak!

Post 5


Firstly, there was no car bomb. That was a rumour, as were many more reports.

At 08:45hrs EDT (GMT -04:00) on September 11, 2001 a hijacked commercial airliner crashed into Building 1 of the World Trade Center in New York City, New York, USA. Eighteen minutes later, while cameras were trained on the devestation of the first crash, another jet crashed into Building 2. These were the twin 110-story towers of the complex. Within the hour, yet another hijacked plane crashed into one of the outer walls of the Pentagon.. (At this moment, business is still being conducted within the other side of the structure, and it plans on being open for business tomorrow even though it still burns.) Still another hijacked airliner crashed in rural Pennsylvania, it's intended target not known, but suspected to have possibly been Camp David. A few hours later Tower 2 collapsed. Half an hour later Tower 1 followed suite. Almost 9 hours later, building 7 (a 40-story building, thankfully already evacuated) collapsed from structural damage suffered in the explosions. It is believed that the towers collapsed not from the impact from the planes, but from the heat of the flames which ensued.

All four planes were departing from East Coast airports, headed for California, on the West Coast. All were probably selected due to this fact, as this meant they were loaded with plenty of fuel and would cause especially large explosions. Recent reports are claiming a passenger on another flight had gotten into an argument with some people while parking his car. He reported this to the FBI, who seized the rental car which was found to contain Arab flight training manuals. This has as yet not been confirmed.

smiley - rose

Terrist Attak!

Post 6


The FBI is asking people who know anything to log onto [URL removed by moderator].
Families needing to know about relatives who may be victims may call 800-331-0075.

The death toll is far from calculated. They are currently estimating 800 dead at the Pentagon, roughly 300 dead on the planes, and no one is even guessing at the number dead at, in and around the World Trade Center, however 300 Firemen are missing and 33 police officers. There are typically 26,000 who work there, and during an average day they may draw 90,000 guests. Naturally some began leaving as soon as the first plane crashed. Some people on the top floors were seen jumping to their deaths, apparently being driven out by the heat and choosing the leap to a slow burn. We will definitely not have a number for at least days, and maybe not ever.

smiley - rose

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