This is the Message Centre for Dubber

NZ radio

Post 1


Hi Dubber- fellow Kiwi!!!

What are the frequencies for the two FM shows you host? Been overseas long enough for everything to have changed!!! The Hauraki building is gone- where have they moved to? How far north do the broadcasts go?


NZ radio

Post 2


Hauraki used to be in Caltex House on Fashawe Street. That's been torn down for the viaduct development they set to work on for the America's Cup Village. Hauraki, as part of The Radio Network are based in the TRN building on Cook Street, which also houses the Auckland studios of Concert FM and National Radio.

George FM is on 96.8FM. You can get it up as far as Albany and down as far as Pukekohe - though it's a mid-power transmitter, not a high-power.

Planet FM is what used to be known as Access Radio. They made the shift to the FM band when the AM transmitter they were on had to be dismantled for a land development. They broadcast on 104.6

Respective websites are [2 URLs removed by moderator]

George has streaming audio.



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