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Post 1


Well, I just registered today. I will soon go in the process of reading anything related to Paris and to transportation systems in the h2g2 - just to be sure I don't rewrite something that already exists.

I also noticed that no word was to be read about Vangelis, which is a shame. Owning a lot of his albums (twenty-two or something, no best of), I think I shall plan an entry for him, too.

First entry

Post 2

I'm not really here

I posted this in your message centre, but just in case you don't see it, there is a project on Paris being edited as we speak, including a very short entry on the metro. I'm sure you are planning something much more detailed, but let me know what you think anyway.

I loved Paris, and can't wait to do it again. smiley - bigeyes

First entry

Post 3


Well, I read the entry about the Metropolitain.

I intend to write something around these lines, but with more details (not too much, I hope).

What I lack is a Metro point-of-view from outside (tourists), so what is already written is interesting.

First entry

Post 4

I'm not really here

I loved the metro, it seemed a lot easier to use than the London underground. I also liked the stations that had been done up by museums or whatever, one looked like a submarine. I think it was a submarine, we didn't get off at that stop, so only saw it flying by. The thing I didn't like was the station names. Being named after famous people is lovely, but not so good when you really need it named after the place it's in. smiley - smiley

First entry

Post 5


Then you'll be delighted to learn the new RER E station called "Magenta" is very far away from the Blvd. Magenta. Station names are definitely *not* to be trusted.

There are good, detailed maps of Paris for sale around £4. The kind of Paris survival kit items. The one I have features every exit of metro stations, which is rather handy.

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