This is the Message Centre for Offnor
Welcome Offnor...
E G Mel Started conversation Jun 13, 2001
Welcome to h2g2, I am an ACE one of the volunteers who welcomes new researchers.
You might find my page of links useful at:
You can reply to me here or leave me a message on my userspace which you can get to by clicking on my name at the top of this message (this works for everyone btw).
Find out how to do smileys like this one by clicking on him to take you to the smiley page.
Every conversation you join in (or start) on h2g2 will be recorded on your page. You may continue with these conversations as long as you wish, or you may "unsubscribe" at any time.
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It is a little strange at first and takes a bit of getting used to, but once you have the bug, you won't want to leave!
Have fun, Read lots and Don't Panic
Welcome Offnor...
Offnor Posted Jun 13, 2001
Thank you a lot for your welcoming.
I'm the kind of guy who likes to read the manual before jumping into action, so I think I know my way around here, now. Well, at least a little bit!
Welcome Offnor...
E G Mel Posted Jun 13, 2001
Ahh but only the official bits! Take time to explore the unofficial bits as there are many an untold wonder lurking about h2g2!
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Welcome Offnor...
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