This is the Message Centre for drider78

Why hello...

Post 1

Ming Mang

Heya drider78!! smiley - biggrin
Penguins don't have knees?? smiley - yikes Poor things...

I'm an ACE (Assistant Community Editor), and basically what I do is say hello and generally be nice to new people like yourself. smiley - smiley You can say hello to the other ACEs at the homepage
If you have any questions ask away! I can do my best to answer them. smiley - smileysmiley - biggrin
Don't worry if it takes you a while to get back... I have a plentiful if not endless supply of smiley - donuts and smiley - cake and will sit here eating them until you return. smiley - biggrin And do have a doughnut or some cake yourself. smiley - smiley
*offers smiley - donut and smiley - cake*
smiley - biggrin


Why hello...

Post 2


If the cake is chocolate then I will have to accept, would you like some coffee in return?

Why hello...

Post 3

Ming Mang

Yep, there is chocolate cake. smiley - biggrinsmiley - bigeyes
*hands a chocolate cake to drider78*
No thanks, I don't like coffee... sorry about that... smiley - sadface


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