This is the Message Centre for Ste

Character test

Post 1


î ¥ ª º ¬ ¼ ¡ « » Æ £ ¢

smiley - huh

Character test

Post 2


\I/I-I4+ iI\I 5I>4<3 4R3 I_I +2(I_)I<1I\IG 4B()I_I+???

Character test

Post 3


Ah, but those aren't fancy arsed characters that you need a code to do.... smiley - tongueout

Character test

Post 4

Mister Matty

My PC won't display the Euro symbol.

smiley - tongueout

Character test

Post 5

Eto Demerzel


Character test

Post 6

Blue Bird

cancel text.

Character test

Post 7

Alan M6791

alt + (numbers on keypad)

128 = Ç _______ 138 = è _______ 148 = ö _______ 158 = ×
129 = ü _______ 139 = ï _______ 149 = ò _______ 159 = ƒ
130 = é _______ 140 = î _______ 150 = û _______ 160 = á
131 = â _______ 141 = ì _______ 151 = ù _______ 161 = í
132 = ä _______ 142 = Ä _______ 152 = ÿ _______ 162 = ó
133 = à _______ 143 = Å _______ 153 = Ö _______ 163 = ú
134 = å _______ 144 = É _______ 154 = Ü _______ 164 = ñ
135 = ç _______ 145 = æ _______ 155 = ø _______ 165 = Ñ
136 = ê _______ 146 = Æ _______ 156 = £ _______ 166 = ª
137 = ë _______ 147 = ô _______ 157 = Ø _______ 167 = º

168 = ¿ _______ 178 = _ _______ 188 = + _______ 198 = ã
169 = ® _______ 179 = ¦ _______ 189 = ¢ _______ 199 = Ã
170 = ¬ _______ 180 = ¦ _______ 190 = ¥ _______ 200 = +
171 = ½ _______ 181 = Á _______ 191 = + _______ 201 = +
172 = ¼ _______ 182 = Â _______ 192 = + _______ 202 = -
173 = ¡ _______ 183 = À _______ 193 = - _______ 203 = -
174 = « _______ 184 = © _______ 194 = - _______ 204 = ¦
175 = » _______ 185 = ¦ _______ 195 = + _______ 205 = -
176 = _ _______ 186 = ¦ _______ 196 = - _______ 206 = +
177 = _ _______ 187 = + _______ 197 = + _______ 207 = ¤

208 = ð _______ 218 = + _______ 228 = õ _______ 238 = ¯
209 = Ð _______ 219 = _ _______ 229 = Õ _______ 239 = ´
210 = Ê _______ 220 = _ _______ 230 = µ _______ 240 = ­
211 = Ë _______ 221 = ¦ _______ 231 = þ _______ 241 = ±
212 = È _______ 222 = Ì _______ 232 = Þ _______ 242 = _
213 = i _______ 223 = _ _______ 233 = Ú _______ 243 = ¾
214 = Í _______ 224 = Ó _______ 234 = Û _______ 244 = ¶
215 = Î _______ 225 = ß _______ 235 = Ù _______ 245 = §
216 = Ï _______ 226 = Ô _______ 236 = ý _______ 246 = ÷
217 = + _______ 227 = Ò _______ 237 = Ý _______ 247 = ¸

248 = ° _______ 250 = · _______ 252 = ³ _______ 254 = _
249 = ¨ _______ 251 = ¹ _______ 253 = ² _______ 255 =

Al smiley - magic

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