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Post 1


I just got contact lenses for the first time.

I'm in the car. I can see everything prefectly clearly, I'm driving, BUT I HAVEN'T GOT MY GLASSES ON. F*ckin marvellous. Amazing. I am one very happy Ste. smiley - biggrin

Stesmiley - earth

PS My eyes hurt.


Post 2

Rik Bailey

Good for you. Make sure you take care of them don't want to see you get ant eye diseases.
I know what you mean by seeing everything as I wear glasses, never had the time to get contacts though.


Post 3


I want contacts! No fair!

How much do they cost? smiley - huh

- Jordan


Post 4


I'm wearing them for the first time at work today.

Um, I have pretty good vision insurance, so it cost me $25 for a six month supply (two week disposable soft contacts), plus $10 for the visit to the optician. It would have cost me $185 if I had no insurance.smiley - yikes

Stesmiley - earth


Post 5



I wonder what it would be like to see uninhibited by glasses...

- Jordan


Post 6


It is very, very strange. When I walk outside at night I always automatically look up at the stars, to see how they look on that night (always been a stargazer). Last night I did my usual and caught myself wearing my contacts and finding the stars to be brilliant pinpricks of light when I had no glasses on! The sky looks different when it isn't framed by your frames.

Doesn't the NHS do anything with contacts?

Stesmiley - earth


Post 7


Nope, I'm pretty sure they only 'do' glasses, if you get my drift. smiley - sadface

- Jordan


Post 8


That's bloody b*ll*cks that is. smiley - grr


Post 9


I know. I wanna see stars when I /haven't/ tripped up... smiley - bluesmiley - injured

- Jordan


Post 10


Joining the myopia club. smiley - biggrin
Tried contacts years ago, couldn't get over the discomfort.
People kept asking me if i was 'alright' as my eyes watered constantly and I always had a damp hanky in my hand.
Mind you in those days they were chunks of glass.
I couldn't keep my eyes from blinking when trying to put them in, and kept dropping them down the back of the radiator, then I couldn't see them to pick them up.
Lately noticed i couldn't see properly (so many typos !).
Seems my eyes are getting better, but now have to swop glasses to read with ones to drive.
This is known as 'old age'
Tried luck


Post 11


That's an extreme response hass! Blimey. How do you drop contacts down the back of a radiator? smiley - laugh

I keep on forgetting I have them in. If I think about it too much they annoy me. Then, when I do forget I start to rub my eyes then stop in a panic once I remember. I popped the left one out the other day because I rubbed it too hard!

The contacts I have are two week disposable ones. They are like little slivers of clear gel, and they need hardly any cleaning.

smiley - earth


Post 12


The mirror in the bathroom was over a radiator.
when you're myopic, you have to be right up close to the mirror.
The glass contacts were a nightmare.
I know what you mean about rubbing eyes.
I did that and then 'lost' one down bottom eyelid, inside eye.
They used to give you a very small 'sink plunger' to put them in. My imagination perceived this as being stuck on my eye if I missed.
and then my eyeball plopping out on my cheek as I pulled.
Actually when I come to think about it, my imagination is a terrible thing.
Last ones I tried were gas permeable, or something, may give these disposables a go, but it was more about vanity for me "boys never makes passes at girls who wear glasses" thing you know smiley - biggrin
(well unless they wore glasses themselves !)
and it's all too horribly late for vanity now, the rot has set in.
This morning I woke up with frizzy hair too, and I'd never had that before


Post 13



Never, ever, ever, chop chili peppers for a curry and then try to take your contacts out of your eyes a few hours later. It really, really hurts.

Thank you.


Post 14


smiley - yuk

- Jordan


Post 15



Are your contacts solid?

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