A Conversation for Playground Games
Farmer, Farmer
CopyMaster Started conversation Jun 30, 2001
The game described here as "Farmer, Farmer" is also played in the USA, under the name, "Red Rover." The chant used by the "it" person in the USA version is "Red Rover, Red Rover, let (color) come over!"
Farmer, Farmer
Amy Pawloski, aka 'paper lady'--'Mufflewhump'?!? click here to find out... (ACE) Posted Jul 25, 2001
Actually, what I remember as Red Rover was more like Chains. The chant was similar to the one above, except instead of (color), it was (name).
Farmer, Farmer
ex-lancs Posted Aug 10, 2006
In the 1950s in Manchester, this rhyme was "Please Mr Fisher(man) can I cross your golden water?" and the reply was "Not unless you've got [colour] on".
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Farmer, Farmer
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