This is the Message Centre for Salmon42

Welcome Salmon...

Post 1

E G Mel

Welcome to h2g2, I am an ACE one of the volunteers who welcomes new researchers.

You might find my page of links useful at:

You can reply to me here or leave me a message on my userspace which you can get to by clicking on my name at the top of this message (this works for everyone btw).

Find out how to do smileys like this one smiley - smiley by clicking on him to take you to the smiley page.

Have fun, Read lots and Don't Panic

Mel smiley - hsif

P.s Good luck with your book! smiley - winkeye

Welcome Salmon...

Post 2



Thanks for the welcome and good luck wishes.


Welcome Salmon...

Post 3

E G Mel

My pleasure, tell me about your book, what genre is it? But don't spoil the ending! smiley - winkeye

Mel smiley - hsif

Welcome Salmon...

Post 4

Kadu Flyer

Again welcome - a tip - if you write some good stuff - and you will see i think you have made a good start click on the "Click here to be notified of new Conversations about this entry" link and when someone like me makes a comment on you entry (like i have on the dating agency one) you will see it on your list of conversations


kadu flyer

Welcome Salmon...

Post 5

E G Mel

Thats actually a very useful tip, especially if you're going to be writing lots of wonderful entries as I'm sure you will!

Mel smiley - hsif

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