This is the Message Centre for Imaldris

gurgle, pffft. *poof*

Post 1


 WEll well well. here i am once again in albany. Been here a few weeks now and I am finding it odd once again. I've worked at mci wroldcom during the summer and it sucked my asshole out. I am a spineless jellyfish now submitting and bowing to all I find despicable. But no really life is better than that. I actually have just sat around waiting for a job to come to me while smoking pot and drinking. Not such a bad life. Hanging out with my friends but I just ran out of cash. So i figure I might start running a WHORE house. You see I have these slutty chics that live upstairs from me and I was thinking I could just pimp them out. I shall become a madame for extra change. Perhaps not. I don't understand why theyd be adverse to such a comment since they are nasty slutz anyways. Perhaps I wont tell them that they are my WHoRES now, perhaps I'll just send men up to them and not tell them why. ah, well, i'm going to find my self a stiff drink tonite. Then another than another. I'm stying to quit smoking to ack, help me its a cruel world!

gurgle, pffft. *poof*

Post 2


Aaaah, yes, I well know the subtle, soul-destroying tortures of working for MegaCorps Inc.
I'm reasonably sure that you can only become a madam in this country by living in a Victorian gingerbread house, wearing a black utilitarian dress buttoned around your neck with a cameo, and affecting a Southern accent. (Pimps, on the other hand, can wear whatever the hell they want.)
Why not cut out the middle man/woman/person/entity and whore yourself? You should never ask an employee to do anything you wouldn't do. Before you seriously consider this, I suggest seeing the beginning of "My Own Private Idaho". Whenever I think about selling myself, that scene with River Phoenix and the big fat hairy guy makes me realize my bakery job isn't so bad after all.

gurgle, pffft. *poof*

Post 3


I guess that's quite true. Thinking of My Own Private Idaho sorta makes me rethink the whoring business. But couln't I be a choosey whore. Like " uh, no no sir you're large and disgusting I think you better find yourself another whore tonite cuz I feel a sudden attack of herpes coming on. Buh bye now. " Those girls that live upstairs from me are whores anyways. Perhaps they wouldn't even notice a few guests in to their home? Or perhaps not. I'll make money somehow. Maybe even honestly. But I'll still be spineless. ack.

gurgle, pffft. *poof*

Post 4

Researcher 93445

And just out of curiosity, which Albany would that be?

gurgle, pffft. *poof*

Post 5


Albany, the capital of New York (US, Northern Hemisphere, top half, Earth) Bing. Why do you ask????

gurgle, pffft. *poof*

Post 6

Researcher 93445

Because I lived in East Greenbush for a few years and then Troy for a year or so. Got my Master's degree from RPI.

However, I was fortunate enough to eventually escape smiley - smiley

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